Rossini - June 2024 Photos


Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle. We were delighted to welcome singers from Helston Chamber Choir, who had also sung this work recently.

Soloists (plus Michael Hoeg in the organ loft)
Soloists (plus Michael Hoeg in the organ loft)

David Caroe (bass), Helena Paish (alto), Katherine Gregory (soprano), Paul Badley (tenor), Paul Comeau (piano), Martin Palmer (conductor).

Missing from this photo is Michael Hoeg (organ)
Afternoon rehearsal
Afternoon rehearsal

Soprano and bass sections
Afternoon rehearsal
Afternoon rehearsal

Alto and tenor sections with our conductor, Martin Palmer
Afternoon rehearsal
Afternoon rehearsal

Getting a bit frivolous...
Ready to start
Ready to start

Awaiting the conductor and soloists